Who Are You Being?

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I identify my awareness
[as divine Mind],
the cosmic administrator, 
the creative impulse of 
self-referral evolutionary activity, 
the silent witness, 
creative intelligence in action, 
the omni-acting bestower of 
the crystal clear resplendent glory of 
the fullness of Life.

— attributed to Maharishi Vedic Science

God is my Mind
and yours.
There is but one Mind.

— attributed to Mary Baker Eddy

You are one with God in reality,
but if you wish to demonstrate this fact,
you must get equally as close to Him
in [your conscious awareness].

[Acknowledge:] ‘The pure spirit of God-power
within my consciousness causes me
to be aware of Its presence.’

God-power is impersonal,
but when you become aware of It,
It individualizes Itself and becomes you.

— Vivian May Williams

God doesn’t have intelligence—
God is intelligence.

— Expressions of Joy

That field of divine intelligence
is [our] own functioning intelligence.⁵

— teaching from Maharishi Vedic Science

In Science, it can never be said
that one has a mind of one’s own,
distinct from God, the all Mind.⁶

— Mary Baker Eddy

God isn’t the best or highest
presence, power, and consciousness—
God is the only presence, power, and consciousness.

God is All. ⁷

— Expressions of Joy

We have declared
an omnipresent God long enough—
the time is here for us to prove
this Omnipresence.

Tennyson wrote, ‘Closer is God than breathing,
and nearer than hands and feet.’

Can you conceive of God being any closer
than the discovery that
divine Mind is your own Consciousness?

— Vivian May Williams
(italics is in the original) 

We must interpret ourselves
as true consciousness
rather than as a corporeality being conscious.

It is most important
to maintain our thought
as the conscious identity of divine Mind.⁹

— Martha Wilcox

The Christ-consciousness
is your consciousness.¹⁰

— Bicknell Young

The entire secret of harmonious living
is in the realization
of God as individual consciousness.

Assume all the right and prerogatives of divine Mind.¹¹

— Bicknell Young

Man[ifestation] is the evidence of being.
Stand there!
Let us stand in the mount of revelation!
Let us be that mount.

That state of natural being
is coming to realization.
Assume all the right
and prerogatives of divine Mind.¹²

— Bicknell Young

Let this Mind be in you
which was also in Christ Jesus.

— Philippians 2:5 KJV


— The Upanishads


I AM! ¹⁴

— Expressions of Joy
inspired by Exodus 3:14

Every human thought must turn instinctively
to the divine Mind as its sole centre and intelligence.
Until this be done,
Man[ifestation] will never be found
harmonious and immortal.¹⁵

— Mary Baker Eddy

If we understood that the consciousness
that we now are,
reflects or shows forth
the one and only consciousness,
then our consciousness is true.
But if we believe that we are a personality,
and include a consciousness of our own,
then our consciousness is false.¹⁶

— Martha Wilcox

The belief that we are a person
with the faculty of awareness
to the understanding that
we are awareness itself…
has enormous implications for any individual
and for the evolution of humanity as a whole.

Indeed I would suggest that this is
the next evolutionary step, and that upon which
the survival of humanity as we know it depends.¹⁷

— Rupert Spira

…Man[ifestation] is what it is—
the conscious identity of Good—
and nothing can change that fact.¹⁸

— Margaret Laird

I am indivisibly One
and thus am universally All
by way of ceaseless reflection.¹⁹

Reflection [is] total Self-recognition.
It is the key to everything

— Richard Booker

Science mirrors the perfect [image]—
the I that is Mind's reflection or Self-knowledge.
This beholding, which is Science,
does not do away with what is beheld
in the human sense of things,
but makes the beholder and the beheld identical.²¹

— Margaret Laird

[Conscious identity of Being] is
an individual consciousness aware of itself
as the reflex image of Mind,
a divine idea that knows it can do nothing of itself,
but neither can it be controlled
by another mind because none such exists…

God is the one, the only Mind.²²

— J Woodruff Smith


In Vedic terms, ‘Conscious identity of Being,’
refers to the Self-referral value of
divine Mind, pure consciousness.
Eternally curving back on itself,
it only ever knows its own divine Nature.

There is only one Mind, one Self, one Identity.²³

— Expressions of Joy



अहरहः संध्यामुपासित वेदो नित्यमघीयताम्
Aharahaḥ sandhyām upāsita 
vedo nityamadhīyatām.

Daily identify your intellect
with the structure of pure knowledge, the Veda,
the script of the Self,
so that the continuity
of the Self-referral state of consciousness
upholds all thought, speech, and action;
so that the Light of God
is spontaneously available
in every wave of performance.

— Manu Smirti

Another translation:
Devote yourself to the junction point,
which is the daily study of the Veda.

— Manu Smirti


Waves of the Ocean

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com/msg15446.html 06.29.2005 AX 1579

From clues in the original on an obscure website, this is assumed to be posted by a serious student of Maharishi Vedic Science. To capture the oneness—the allness, the absolute non-duality—of divine consciousness, [as] replaces “with,” [divine Mind] replaces “supreme intelligence,” [cosmic] replaces “highest,” and [omni-acting] replaces “supreme.”

[2] Course in Divinity and General Collectanea of Items by and About Mary Baker Eddy, compiled by Richard Oakes (Healing Unlimited, 2006), p. 61 AX 8098

[3] Vivian May Williams, Understanding God, (DeVorss & Co., 1938), p. 58 AX 8083

[4] Joy Hirshberg, Who Are You Being?https://www.expressionsofjoy.com/readexpressions/conscious-identity-of-being 08.28.2024 AX 8099

[5] from a lecture on Mahairshi Vedic Science AX 8100

[6] Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 204 [one] replaces “Man,” [one’s] replaces “his” AX 6838

[7] Joy Hirshberg, Conscious Identity of Being, https://www.expressionsofjoy.com/readexpressions/conscious-identity-of-being 08.28.2024 AX 8101

[8] Vivian May Williams, There is Nothing But God, (The Rare Book Company, 1934), p. 19 [God] replaces “He,” [divine Mind] replaces “He” AX 6288

[9] Martha Wilcox, Association Address 1947, (The Bookmark), p. 3 AX 6255

[10] Bicknell Young, God is Individual Consciousness, The Collected Writings of Bicknell Young, Collection III, (The Bookmark), p. 1 AX 7033

[11] Ibid., p. 3 AX 7039

[12] Ibid., p. 4 AX 7043

[13] Anna J. Bonshek, Mirror of Consciousness: Art, Creativity, and Veda, (Jainendra Prakash Jain At Shri Jainendra Press, 2001), p. 197 AX 6537

I AM THAT Aham Brahmāsmi Bṛihadāraṇyak Upanishad 1.4.10

THOU ART THAT Tat Tvam Asi Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7

ALL THIS IS THAT Sarvaṃ khalvidaṁ Brahm Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1

THAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS Pragyānaṁ Brahm Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

[14] Joy Hirshberg, Conscious Identity of Being, https://www.expressionsofjoy.com/readexpressions/conscious-identity-of-being 08.28.2024 AX 8102

[15] Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, (First Church Christ, Scientist, 1924), p. 307-308 AX 7794

[16] Martha Wilcox, Excerpts from Class Teaching, (The Bookmark, 1986), p. 27 AX 7748

[17] Rupert Spira, Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Step, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYoX6T3GfoY 04.03.2024
AX 7796

[18] Margaret Laird, All Is One, (Institute of Metaphysical Science, 2017) p. 12 [it] replaces “he”AX 7783

[19] Richard Booker, Spiritual Science Notebook 103: Reflection or Rejection, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science, unpublished), p. 65 AX 8103

[20] Richard Booker, Spiritual Science Notebook 99: The Power and the Glory, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science, unpublished), p. 45 AX 8103

[21] Margaret Laird, We Are the World We Walk Through, (The Institute of Metaphysical Science, 1993), p. 102 AX 8104

[22] J Woodruff Smith, The friend who invited me to my first…, (Christian Science Journal, March 1977) AX 8075

[23] Joy Hirshberg, Conscious Identity of Being, https://www.expressionsofjoy.com/readexpressions/conscious-identity-of-being 11.27.2024 AX 8105

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Divine Names and Nature

