The Today! Archive

Consciousness’ is a [non-religious]
scientific way
of referring to Totality,
One without a Second,
which from a religious point of view
we refer to as God.²

— Steve Sufian

posted Monday, 01.20.2025 from
Divine Names and Nature


Love is the Science,
the discernment—that is, Spirit—in which
there is no “you,” no “other,” no “there,” no “together;”
there is only I as Mind—
the conscious infinitude of existence.³

— Margaret Laird

posted Sunday, 01.19.2025 from
Who Is My Other?


The one who truly prays
is the one who
has seen the place of God.
This is what it means to be a…mystic.
Not only do these two activities and states
coincide at their highest states,
they also coincide every step of the way.⁶

— Desert Elder

posted Saturday, 01.18.2025 from
Pure Prayer in Early Christianity


Transcendence of the good-evil binary
by sages is discernible
in all major traditions.¹

Muhammad Maroof Shah

posted Friday, 01.17.2025 from
Pure Prayer: An Overview


There is no Jewish silence
and Christian silence
and Buddhist silence.

Silence is the one thing
all human beings forever
have always shared.

It's the one thing in our own lives
that never changes.
It was the same when we were kids;
it's the same when we're growing;
it's the same when we're old.

There is a single silence
that we're sharing all the time.

— Ted Falcon

posted Thursday, 01.16.2025 from
Pure Prayer: An Overview


A mind that is touched
by the absolute falls silent.
With the mind silent,
all that remains is simply being,
God’s being — the ultimate reality
and the heart of prayer.⁶

— Rupert Spira

posted Wednesday, 01.15.2025 from
The Sound of Silence


Evil does not descend from above. 
The transmission from above
is pure and coherent.

Evil is distortion and noise,
an artifact of our reception. 

If we would only adjust
our reception devices,—
our attitude and our ability to receive—
the signal would become clear. 

And that is all of life—
adjusting reception.⁶

— Menachem Mendel Schneerson

posted Tuesday, 01.14.2025 from
Only Before Our Eyes


…God is the only existence…²

— Evan Finkelstein

posted Monday, 01.13.2025 from
see also
Infinity at Every Point


‘Back to the Self’
is the secret of success.³⁶

—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

posted Sunday, 01.12.2025 from
Return To the Self


Going through to the absolute
is the way to handle every appearance of
evil or limitation.

— Richard Booker

posted Saturday, 01.11.2025 from
Non-dual Prayer in Metaphysical Science


Silence is not the absence of sound;
silence is the absence of the little self.

Silence is the language of God.
Everything else is a poor translation.²⁵

— Rumi

posted Friday, 01.10.2025 from
The Science of Silence and
Non-dual Prayer in Sufi Science


Non-toxic cleaning
transcends what’s in the bottle.

posted Thursday, 01.09.2025 from
Non-toxic Cleaning


Accept the Truth
from whatever source it comes.⁵

— Old adage, cited by Maimonides
in his Introduction to Tractate Avos

posted Wednesday, 01.08.2025 from
Many Lamps,
Beyond Labels and
Non-dual Prayer: An Overview


Whatever holds human thought
in line with unselfed love,
receives directly the divine power.¹⁵

— Mary Baker Eddy

posted Tuesday, 01.07.2025
Non-dual Prayer in Christian Science


…Sitting quietly
is a way of giving attention
to what actually is.²

— Joan Tollifson

posted Monday, 01.06.2025


What’s the matter?
Shouldn’t we ask instead,
‘What’s the Truth?’

posted Sunday, 01.05.2025
What’s the Matter?


Matter [is] the visibility of Spirit.⁴

– Richard Booker

posted Saturday, 01.04.2025
Begin With No-thing


Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier.¹

— attributed to Mother Teresa

posted Friday, 01.03.2025
Be Love


There is no rung of Being
on which we cannot find
the holiness of God
everywhere and at all times.³

— Martin Buber

posted Thursday, 01.02.2025
Beyond Labels


Empty hands, total Mind
Nothing to carry or leave behind
Being in the Now and Here
Every moment is a New year

— Singaporean student from
Maharishi International University

posted Wednesday, 01.01.2025


In the sweetness of friendship
let there be laughter,
and sharing of pleasures.

For in the dew of little things
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.²

— Khalil Gibran

posted Tuesday, 12.31.2024 from


Prayer on the verbal level
has its effectiveness;
prayer on the mental level is more effective;
prayer from the transcendental area of life
has maximum effectiveness,
because on that level
thought has a frictionless flow—
it travels instantly throughout Nature…

[Transcendental prayer] is instantly heard 
and instantly responded

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

posted Monday, 12.30.2024 from
Non-dual Prayer in Vedic Science


Who is this aliveness I am?
Is it not the Holy Blessed One?

— Menachem Nachum

posted Sunday, 12.29.2024 from
Are We God’s ‘Boots On the Ground?’


Man’s inward reality
is identical with the Divine Reality…

While the other things in creation
manifest some Attribute or another,
man [and woman] assumes the unique position
of manifesting all the Names
[Attributes of God].⁷

— Mukhtar H. Ali,
from the teaching of al-Qunawi

posted Saturday, 12.28.2024 from
Our Spiritual Identity


Let us never…put a mental separation
between our divinity—that is actuality—
and our humanity
because of the paralyzing results to us.¹

— Martha Wilcox

posted Friday, 12.27.2024 from
Embrace the Divinity of Your Humanity


Let all the earth 
keep silence 
before the Lord.⁴

— Habakkuk 2:20 JPS

Silence is Praise.³

— Psalm 65:2 Robert Alter Translation

posted Thursday, 12.26.2024 from
The Science of Silence


We pray with words
until the words are cut off
and we are left in a state of wonder.¹⁵

— St. Isaac the Syrian

The Prayer of Silence is actually spoken
by the Divine Voice within us.⁹

— Zohar Pt. 1, fol 169a

When the thinker is lost
in the eminence of
[divine] Mind,
the healing takes place.¹¹

— attributed to Mary Baker Eddy

Merry Christmas and Happy 1st Night of Hanukkah
to everyone in our Expressions of Joy Family!

posted Wednesday, 12.25.2024 from
Non-dual Prayer in Early Christianity,
Non-dual Prayer in Torah Science, and
Non-dual Prayer in Christian Science


[The Zohar reveals that]
‘The Promised Land is within you.’

— Igal Harmelin

posted Tuesday, 12.24.2024 from
The Launching Pad for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


Wait till you look within yourself
and see what is there, O seeker,
One leaf in that Garden
is worth more than all of Paradise!

— Rumi

posted Monday. 12.23.2024
Our Spiritual Identity


This is the time 
for you to deeply compute
the impossibility 
that there is anything 
but Grace.¹

— Hafiz

posted Sunday, 12.22.2024 from
Present Tense


What's beautiful
about mystical study
and mystical exploration
is that it almost doesn't matter
which tradition you're in.

Each tradition expresses Truth
in a unique way,
but the underlying message
is really the same,
that God animates all of existence.

— Daniel C. Matt

posted 12.21.2024 from
Beyond Labels


With our stillness and our silence,
we listen for the Voice
that speaks every particle of creation
into being.¹

Eucharistic Prayer D

posted Friday, 12.20.2024 from
Prayer From Our Desert Mothers


I know nothing of two worlds—
All I know is the One—

I seek only One, 
I know only One, 
I find only One, 

And I sing of only One.

— Rumi

posted Thursday, 12.19.2024 from
Divine Science Comes Into View


To love is to live.

Raphael Levine

posted 12.18.2024 from
Love Alone Is Life


God is everything and more.

— Evan Finkelstein

posted 12.17.2024 from
Sunday School for Enlightened Children


Unfortunately, the word 'God'
has been associated
with the supernatural,
instead of the natural—
and with a supreme Being,
instead of all Being…

— Margaret Laird

posted 12.16.2024 from
Many Lamps


Be still and know that I AM is God.²

— translation by Ted Falcon

posted 12.15.2024 from
The Science of Silence


Certainty is the power 
that draws [your conscious awareness]
of Light into your life…

The Light of the Creator 
becomes [tangible] in our lives 
to the degree 
that we have certainty of its presence.⁸

— Michael Berg

posted 12.14.2024 from
In One Moment


Love cannot be hid anymore than light,
and least of all
when it shines forth in action.

— John Wesley

posted 12.13.2024 from
Love In Action


We ourselves are the attributes
by which we describe God.²

— Ibn Arabi

posted 12.12.2024 from
Spiritual Qualities


God is not in you
in the same sense
that a raisin is in a bun.

That is not unity.
God is in you
as the ocean is in a wave.

The wave is nothing
more nor less than the ocean
expressing as a wave.¹

— Eric Butterworth

posted 12.10.2024 from
Emanation and Isness


What’s your primary experience
before thoughts, feelings, sensations,
perceptions have begun?

It’s just the experience of being;
just a simple, ordinary, intimate,
colorless, silent experience of being.

Our innermost experience is just being —
the awareness of being.²

— Rupert Spira

posted 12.09.2024 from


Reality is right here, right now.

— Expressions of Joy

posted 12.08.2024 from


Have you ever thought how big you are?
How far you stretch?
How far is far?

— J Woodruff Smith

posted 12.07.2024 from
So Big


A person is like a ram’s horn;
the only sound you make
is that which is blown through [as] you.
Were there no one blowing into the horn,
there would be no sound at all.

— The Hasidic Masters

posted 12.06.2024 from


God IS the Now.

— Richard Booker

posted 12.05.2024 from
The New Golden Rule


The journey within
is the essence of what
the religion of Abraham is all about.

It points us to find the Promised Land
within ourselves.

It seeks to transmute the yearnings
for a return to a geographical place
into a yearning for a state of awareness—
for consciousness in its natural state—
free from any identification
with any human-made notions.

The Zohar seems to be saying here:
‘The Promised Land is within you.’

— Igal Harmelin

posted 12.04.2024 from
The Launching Pad for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


You are awareness.
Awareness is another name for you.

— Ramana Maharishi

posted 12.03.2024 from


This is the secret of the unity of God:
no matter where I take hold of a shred of it,
I hold the whole of it.¹³

— Martin Buber

posted 12.02.2024 from
Have We Outgrown God?


There is no being but Being.

— the Abrahamic traditions and Vedanta

posted 11.30.2024 from
In One Moment


When you feel a lack of understanding,
And your creativity declines,
Run to the hidden spring!

The higher waters will refresh you,
And you will blossom.
God’s blessing will return to you.
You will become like a gushing spring,
Like a river that does not cease.

— Abraham Isaac Kook

posted 11.29.2024 from
The Hidden Spring
See related essay: Return To the Self


I am the place where God shines through,
For God and I are one, not two…¹

— Author Unknown

posted 11.28.2024 from I Am the Place


‘When your mind races,
return to the place,’
return to where
you were before thought. 
Return to the site 
of Oneness.⁵

— Sefer Yetzirah

posted 11.27.2024 from Return to the Self


You are one with God in reality,
but if you wish to demonstrate this fact,
you must get equally as close to Him
in [your conscious awareness].

[Acknowledge:] ‘The pure spirit of God-power
within my consciousness causes me
to be aware of Its presence.’

God-power is impersonal,
but when you become aware of It,
It individualizes Itself and becomes you.

— Vivian May Williams

posted 11.26.2024 from Conscious Identity of Being


[Mysticism is] the expression
of the innate tendency
of the human spirit
towards complete harmony
with the transcendental order;

Whatever be the [sacred tradition]
under which it is understood.³

— Evelyn Underhill

posted 11.24.2024 from Non-dual Prayer Overview


What is blasphemous
is to…set oneself up
as a being apart from God’s being.²

— Rupert Spira

posted 11.23.2024 from Inseverability


Prayer is not a movement from ourself towards God. 
It is a divesting of ourself of all the qualities 
we seem to have acquired from experience, 
and the subsequent revelation 
of our being as God’s infinite being.⁵

— Rupert Spira

posted 11.22.2024 from Non-dual Prayer in Vedic Science


The apparent evil and imperfection
of the universe is not evil and imperfection,
but imperfect apprehension…
on the same level as the belief
in witches and devils
will go the way of all superstitions.¹

— John Scott Haldane

posted 11.20.2024 from Perfection


Why is there that urge to achieve,
and the feeling that it is right to have it all?

Because Health, Comfort, Joy, and Good
are the nature of that which is—
the nature of Reality.¹

— attributed to Margaret Laird

posted 11.19.2024 from Achievement


There is wisdom
that you can't find by seeking,
but only those who seek find it.⁴

— Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami

That for which we long above all else
cannot be found by seeking,
yet only those who seek find it.⁵

— Rupert Spira referencing Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami

God can never be found by seeking,
yet only seekers find God.⁶

— Abu-Yazid Al-Bistami

posted 11.18.2024 from Wisdom


Matter is a way of seeing,
not something that is seen.¹¹

— Rupert Spira

posted 11.17.2024 from 3 Pillars of Conscious Spiritual Living


In consciousness, there is no other.¹

— Dr. Tony Nader

posted 11.16.2024 from Foundation, Who Is My Other?
3 Pillars of Conscious Spiritual Living


No one can tell you what is Truth.
Truth is revealed
in the innerness of consciousness.²

Truth is its own revelator.³

— Margaret Laird

posted on 11.15.2024 from Truth


Enter into [the Lord's] sanctuary,
which [the Lord] hath sanctified for ever...

— II Chronicles 30:8 JPS

posted on 11.14.2024 from The Science of Silence and Torah Science


We pray with words
until the words are cut off
and we are left in a state of wonder.¹⁵

— St. Isaac the Syrian

posted 11.11.2024 from Non-dual Prayer in Early Christianity


Prayer on the verbal level
has its effectiveness;
prayer on the mental level is more effective;
prayer from the transcendental area of life
has maximum effectiveness,
because on that level
thought has a frictionless flow—
it travels instantly throughout Nature…

[Transcendental prayer] is instantly heard 
and instantly responded

— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

posted 11.10.2024 from Non-dual Prayer in Vedic Science


We have declared
an omnipresent God long enough—
the time is here for us to prove
this Omnipresence.

Tennyson wrote, ‘Closer is God than breathing,
and nearer than hands and feet.’

Can you conceive of God being any closer
than the discovery that
divine Mind is your own Consciousness?

— Vivian May Williams
(italics is in the original) 

posted 11.09.2024 from Conscious Identity of Being


[Suffering] is not the absence of [God] Soul.
It is the absence
of the consciousness of Soul.¹

— Richard Booker

posted 11.08.2024 from The New Golden Rule


Dualistic binary thinking is transcended
in the metaphysical standpoint
as knowing and being become one.²

Muhammad Maroof Shah

posted 11.07.2024 from Non-dual Prayer in Sufi Science
Non-dual Prayer Overview



I Am the Place