Even the Rocks are Dancing

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Photo by Mason Panos


The following excerpt, from The 'seeing is believing' crowd miss life's real joy by Tom Harpur, first appeared in the Toronto Star, November 7, 1994.

It puts the world we see in a completely different light.

“The world we see, according to modern physics, is definitely not the world as it truly is. On the basis of normal sight, we believe the world to be a fairly solid place.

“But, what appears to us to be dense matter—take, for example, our own bodies—is actually a dance of energy where the space between the so-called particles is as great proportionately as that between the stars in a galaxy. We are mostly empty space.

“And the so-called solid 'bits' are not bits of any particular stuff but electrons and protons whirling about. Matter is no longer thought of as made up of atoms (literally tiny bits of matter so small they cannot be cut finer) but as flowing energy in an electro-magnetic field. Even the rocks are dancing!”¹

See also Aliveness.


Waves of the Ocean

[1] Tom Harpur, The 'seeing is believing' crowd miss life's real joy, Toronto Star, November 7, 1994

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