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Within you’ll find insights and inspirations for practical spirituality.
Never Entertain Negativity: Part 2
Evil talk kills the speaker, the listener, and the one maligned.
Consciousness, Divine Mind
One can never go further back than consciousness
because there is nothing further back.
Non-toxic Cleaning
Blissful Building explores the sustainable 'starting point' for any project or activity, whether it be washing windows or saying a prayer.
Explore Writing By Category
Pure Consciousness, Divine Mind
In [God, divine Mind] we live, and move,
and have our being.— Acts 17:28 KJV
Divine Love, The Glue of The Universe
All work is empty
save when there is Love.— Khalil Gibran
Healing Means Revealing
Effective prayer doesn’t change reality. It reveals reality.
— The Science of Consciousness
The Names and Nature of God
One heart, one way.
— Jeremiah 32:39
Abraham's Tent
The world
is one family-
my family.
— Maha Upanishad
VI. 71-73 -
The Science of Silence
praise.— Psalms 65:2
Alter Translation -
Blissful Building Blog
Except the Lord
build the house,
they labour in vain
that build it.— Psalm 127:1 JPS